Narrative Craft & Hands-on in the Werkraum Bookbindery


Workshop content

The workshop starts with a general introduction to the history and basic techniques of bookbinding. Then, using simple thread binding, a booklet is bound from decorative content papers with a cover. Optionally with handmade paper and selected cover or individually hand-printed cover.

Michael Körner 
Born 1973, photographer, media technician & designer with studio in Bad Goisern. Focus of work in the areas of communication for art & craft, reproduction, fine art image printing on uncoated papers and high-quality image presentation.
-Studied media technology & design at the FH St. Pölten.


Place: Hand.Werk.Haus Salzkammergut, Rudolf-von-Alt-Weg 6
Programme: Guided tour of Hand.Werk.Haus & workshop on simple booklet binding
Dates:  Thursday, 24.11., Friday, 2.12., Thursday, 15.12. 

  • Special guided tour Hand.Werk.Haus Salzkammergut, immersion in the handicraft landscape of the Salzkammergut, each 2-13 p.m.
  • Simple booklet binding workshop, each 3-5 p.m. with Michael Körner 

Number of participants: min. 5, max. 8
Price: € 41,90 / person

All prices in Euro incl. VAT. Errors, typographical errors and changes excepted. In case of non-utilisation of one or more services from the booked package, no compensation can be granted.

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